Bath salts have been used for centuries and are extremely beneficial when added to your beauty routine. Discover the benefits of bath salts. Learn if bath salts are a good fit for you and how to use salts in your routine.

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What Is The Difference Between Bath Salts and Epsom Salts?
Although some use the terms "bath salts" and "epsom salts" interchangeably, there are two main types of salts. Epsom salts are are manufactured with the intent to address a health concern. Epsom salts, also known as magnesium sulfate salts, are usually blended with ingredients such as essential oils. Some bath salts don't contain additives and are used to describe salt for bathing in.
Epsom salts draw impurities from the skin and promote relaxation. The treatment is thousands of years old and is common in spas. However, the benefits of the salts are not well documented.
"For hundreds of years, this salt has been used to treat ailments, such as constipation, insomnia, and fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, its effects on these conditions are not well researched."
HealthlineTypes of Bath Salt
The type of bath salt you choose to use will depend on a variety of factors. Epsom salts contain magnesium which has numerous benefits including recovery from exercise, constipation, stress, and inflammation. Table salts such as Himalayan salt are used to treat skin conditions.
Himalayan Salt
Himalayan salt is one of the oldest salts dating back 250 million years. The antimicrobial properties of salt make it a popular option for soothing eczema and other skin condition. Himalayan pink salt has a higher concentration of iron and minerals due to the process of mining the salt rocks. Pink salt comes from the Khewra Mine in Pakistan, one of the largest salt mines in the world, and is sold as both table salt and bath salt.
"Because the salt beds were covered by lava, ice, and snow for millions of years, Himalayan salt is free of many modern-day pollutants."
HealthlineTypes Of Bath Salt
The effects of bath salt on your body will depend on the type of bath salt you choose to use. There are many benefits of salt water baths. Benefits of epsom salt baths include relief from stress and insomnia and decreased pain from exercise among other benefits.
Rock Salt Bath Benefits
Rock salt bath benefits include topical treatment of eczema. Unlike epsom salts, rock salts do not contain a high amount of magnesium. According to the National Eczema Society, rock salt baths are effective in relieving the symptoms of skin conditions.
Epsom bath salts are ideal for treating skin conditions because they promote exfoliation. The magnesium in salt is commonly believed to moisturize the skin. However, you may find that soaking in salt water does not provide enough moisture for your skin. After you take a bath it's best to rinse and use a body butter to lock in your skin's moisture.
100% Pure makes amazing body butters that hydrate without feeling greasy or oily. The formula is light but is extremely hydrating. The brand only uses natural food grade USDA Organic flavors and never includes fragrance.
Stress Relief
Stress relief is another benefit of salt baths. The magnesium in baths can reduce pain and tightness which leads to relaxation. Also, taking time out of your day for self care is a natural way to relieve stress. Headaches and tight muscles can be remedies with a salt bath, resulting in a greater sense of well being.
Epsom salts are well-known for the properties that reduce acid build up in muscles after intense exercise. Using bath salts reduces recovery time for athletes, alleviates pain, helps with muscle knots from intense exercise.
Sometimes bath salts can be used as a sleep aid to reduce insomnia and promote relaxation. Some believe that the magnesium in the salt is the property that results in better sleep.
Many salts include additives such as essential oils and other components for aromatherapy. Even if you don't choose to buy salts with essential oils, the use of rose water or other natural ingredients can be therapeutic.
Benefits Of Epsom Salts: Foot Bath
There are many benefits of bath salt soak for your feet. Bath salts relieve sore muscles and help muscles recover from exercise. Your feet, a part of your body that can easily become overworked or sore, can benefit from the properties of a salt bath just as much as any other part of your body.
Disadvantages Of Salt Water Bath

Side effects of salt water baths can include irritation to the skin and inflammation in those who are sensitive to either the salt or the additives such as essential oils. It is important to test bath salts before using them on your entire body. You can test the salts with a foot bath or by applying a small amount of salt to one area and giving your skin time to respond.
If your skin is dry after taking salt bath, this can easily be remedied with a quick rinse and a powerful moisturizer. It's best to take precautions such as rinsing, creating a daily moisturizing routine, and seeing a dermatologist any time skin concerns come up.
Bath Salt With Essential Oils
Although there is some controversy concerning the safety of essential oils, the oils are a popular ingredient in natural beauty industries. Jessica Shiffer, a NYT reporter, interviewed dermatologist Annie Gonzalez about the safety of essential oils and precautions.
"There is no one-size-fits-all approach to essential oils, and blacklisting them from your routine doesn’t have to be the answer. Most of what we use in the beauty industry is really in that gray zone, where some people can use it without a problem and other people can’t,” Dr. Gonzalez said. “I always tell patients that it really depends on the dosage, the concentration and the source.”
NYT- Jessica ShifferMany epsom salt blends contain essential oils that are meant to cleanse the skin. However, there are many options without essential oils that are just as effective. If you are looking to add extra benefits to your bath, oils are an ideal option. Common oils include lavender, tea tree, mint, orange, and eucalyptus.
Lavender oil is well-known for its ability to reduce inflammation and hyperpigmentation. These are often diluted with a carrier oil. According to VeryWell, lavender oil also relieves anxiety, allergies, and eczema.
Tea tree oil is also known for reducing inflammation and clearing skin of breakouts. However, this natural ingredient is very powerful and can be too strong for sensitive skin. It's always best to do a patch test to see how your skin responds to tea tree oil first. Tea tree oil is one that many dermatologists caution against because it is more likely to cause irritation than other oils.
Bath Salt Products & Brands

Bokek Dead Sea Salts are very powerful salts for purifying the skin. I learned about these pure and powerful salts at my favorite spa. Although I find these to be quite strong for a full bath, I love foot baths with these salts. Bokek recently updated the bath salt formula to include organic essential oils! A full review is coming soon. JCS insiders will receive an update via email. You can sign up here for updates about my favorite products, discount codes for brands you'll love, and your free guide to help you understand more about ingredient standards for popular cosmetics.
100% Pure offers a bath salts with essential oils that I cannot wait to try. Although there are other salt products, this is one I am very much looking forward to reviewing.
The salt contains
- Sodium Chloride (Unrefined French Crystallized Kelp),
- Vitamin C)
- Vitamin E
- Extracts of: Ginger and Rosemary Leaf
- Eucalyptus Essential Oil
- Peppermint Essential Oil
- Limonene** Component of natural essential oil
Other Uses For Bath Salts: DIY Scrub
If you don't like taking baths, you can make a salt scrub with Epsom salts for the antibacterial properties the salt provides. Salt scrubs also promote circulation and are a great way to exfoliate the skin.

There are many benefits to salt baths including stress relief, improved sleep, pain reduction, and aromatherapy. Some salt baths can also relieve skin conditions. It's best to pay careful attention to your skin care routine and to moisturize your skin properly after a salt bath.